Customer Engagement


Amplify brand engagement by 10X

Foster meaningful interactions, encourage customer loyalty, and reduce churn

Deep analytics provides actionable insights for tailored marketing and personalized content


  • Predictive insights: Predicting User behavior enables businesses to proactively engage Users with timely offers, reducing churn and boosting loyalty.
  • Personalized Marketing: Deep analytics allows for the creation of highly targeted and personalized marketing campaigns, improving relevance and engagement.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regular analysis of User data allows companies to refine their user engagement strategies for ongoing enhancement.

Enhance engagement and loyalty by rewarding completion and unlocking achievers’ loyalty


  • Recognition and Motivation: Employ rewards to recognize and motivate users to successfully finish courses, tasks, or challenges.
  • Competitive Engagement: Cultivate a competitive spirit among users through rewards for achievements, incentivizing active participation.
  • Enhanced Loyalty: Bolster brand loyalty as users perceive value and recognition for their contributions.

Provide gamified rewards to drive user motivation and sustained engagement


  • Hypercasual Games: Drive spaced repetition technique, scientifically proven to drive recall
  • Interactive Learning Journeys: Elevate your users’ experience into an engaging journey by incorporating game elements, quizzes, and challenges.
  • Gamified Rewards: Reward with badges, points, and certificates on completions, igniting users’ pursuit of further accomplishments and ensuring sustained engagement

Deep Analytics

Deep analytics provides actionable insights for tailored marketing and personalized content


  • Predictive insights: Predicting User behavior enables businesses to proactively engage Users with timely offers, reducing churn and boosting loyalty.
  • Personalized Marketing: Deep analytics allows for the creation of highly targeted and personalized marketing campaigns, improving relevance and engagement.
  • Continuous Improvement: Regular analysis of User data allows companies to refine their user engagement strategies for ongoing enhancement.

Completion Imperatives

Enhance engagement and loyalty by rewarding completion and unlocking achievers’ loyalty


  • Recognition and Motivation: Employ rewards to recognize and motivate users to successfully finish courses, tasks, or challenges.
  • Competitive Engagement: Cultivate a competitive spirit among users through rewards for achievements, incentivizing active participation.
  • Enhanced Loyalty: Bolster brand loyalty as users perceive value and recognition for their contributions.

Gamified Experience

Provide gamified rewards to drive user motivation and sustained engagement


  • Hyper casual Games: Drive spaced repetition technique, scientifically proven to drive recall
  • Interactive Learning Journeys: Elevate your users’ experience into an engaging journey by incorporating game elements, quizzes, and challenges.
  • Gamified Rewards: Reward with badges, points, and certificates on completions, igniting users’ pursuit of further accomplishments and ensuring sustained engagement

Gaming platform

Capture the imagination of your audience through hyper-casual games.

Increase Customer Retention

Go beyond traditional forms of engagement and increase customer retention

Create Pull and Buzz

Ensure repeat visits, and word of mouth, through a combination of leaderboards and badges

Gaming platform

Capture the imagination of your audience through a plethora of hyper-casual games.

  • Hypercasual games are easy to understand and play, making them accessible to a wide audience, including those who may not typically engage with complex gaming experiences
  • These games provide immediate satisfaction, which aligns with the fast-paced nature of modern consumer expectations. Users can experience enjoyment and success in a short time, making them more likely to engage.
  • These games often have social sharing features, encouraging users to compete with or challenge friends, amplifying engagement, and word-of-mouth marketing.
  • Businesses can gather valuable user data through these games, helping them better understand consumer preferences and behavior.

Leverage the power Increase Customer Retention

By offering frequent updates and new challenges, businesses can maintain user interest and encourage ongoing engagement.

  • Use QuoDeck’s Community section to foster a sense of community among customers, creating forums, chat rooms, or social groups where users can connect
  • Use QuoDeck surveys and event-stream data to actively listen to user feedback and make improvements based on their suggestions. When users feel heard and see their input incorporated, they are more likely to stay
  • Create loyalty programs within the game that reward users for their ongoing engagement. Offer exclusive content or bonuses to long-term players

Create Pull and Buzz

Ensure repeat visits, and word of mouth, through a combination of notifications, leaderboards and badges

  • Send targeted push notifications to remind users about the game, notify them of special events, or provide incentives to return to the app
  • Enable social features that allow users to connect with friends or share achievements. Social interactions can create buzz and keep users coming back
  • In-game rewards, virtual currency, and other incentives encourage users to return and play regularly. Daily login bonuses and special online events further boost retention

Use Cases- Customer Engagement

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